St Leonards Artists Group Social – Launch Party

Thursday 7 November 8-10pm

@ Claremont Studios
48 Kings Road TN37 6DY

Launch party for the regular monthly social

music + chat + BYOB

Bring digital image files for our projector!

The St Leonards Artists Group Social is a new monthly meet-up for everyone involved in the arts or creative scene in St Leonards (and Hastings!).

It’s a purely social event with no agenda: it’s just a way to make new friends – meet old friends – network – discuss – share – swap – chat – make plans.

If you enjoyed the way the recent Open Studio weekends allowed artists to meet and talk with many other creative people, the St Leonards Artists Group Social is a way to do that every month!

We hope you can make it along to the launch and that you will make a date in your diary to socialise with other artists and creative people on the first Thursday of every month.